А знаете, такие попытки, притом с POW!, уже предпринимались.
https://sourceforge.net/projects/oberon2studio/http://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=9371По последней ссылке есть интересные исходники, написанные на модифицированном POW!
Удалось связаться и с автором, итальянцем Стефано Феррари:
Stefano Ferrari писал(а):
Hi Oleg
the oberon 2 studio is a discontinued project cause lack of time. Its goal
was targeting windows having similar behaviour as visual basic (reflection,
graphical design interface, drag & drop of components, project management)
Maybe I have some "unpublished" files, I think mainly windows controls
wrappers (pushbutton, checkbox, and so on)
and a very draft implementation of a repository. Reflection was strictly
bound to the compiler, that was a modified version of the POW!compiler.
Brian Kirk was so kind to give me permission to use the source code as base
for it.
Я потом написал ему письмо:
Oleg N. Cher писал(а):
Dear Stefano,
humbly ask you to send me the compiler POW! modified by you. This work can be an inspiration for someone to continue the development of this fine compiler. Oberon projects are few, and perhaps we have no right to hide them, but we can open to contribute for future - to increase popularity of such a good programming language.
Но ответа уже, увы, не получил. Видимо, он не хочет публиковать модифицированный POW!